Today is my little sister Angela's Birthday. I don't know if she wants me to say how old she is so I won't but she is only 13 months younger than me. That makes us almost the same age...like twins (almost). LOL Growing up with someone so close in age was hard when we were little but as we got into high school our friendship grew into an amazing bond. We have been through thick and thin together and have come out with a friend ship that will last a life time. She is my best friend and the funnest person I know. Life is a blast when we are together!! We never get tired of each other or run out of things to say. The last trip we were together we drove from Georgia to North Carolina and by the time we were almost there Alana piped up from the back and said "Mommy stop talking. Be quite". We had a good laugh at that too. The memories we have built over the years will last a life time!!
I hope you have a great Birthday and know that I gave you the best present EVER. I told you it would be, and I wasn't kidding!! You mean the world to me. You are my best friend and my sister and that is a great combination!! LOVE YOU ALL THE DAYS AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!