Monday, October 27, 2008

Just one more

Just 1 more picture. We forgot to take a picture of Angela's mini to blog so we did it right before we left for the airport. It's a 1977 (the year it was born) mini cooper. A classic with John Cooper's signature on it. She got in it England when she was there. It is in amazing condition! It is a blast to ride in! The driver is on the right side, it feels pretty strange to be the passenger on the left. If you see next to a mini of today it is even smaller than that. We had a great time cruising around town in it!! You get lots of looks and this little car makes people smile and stop and stare. It's great!!!


Kim said...

My mom drove a mini when my parents were dating and first married. I think hers was blue. How fun Angela was able to bring one over here.

Texas Roney Family said...

What a great husband you have to let you go for two weeks!! It looks like you both had so much fun. You look really good!!